Are you searching for new ways of cleansing your system and detoxifying your body? If so, then you better try diuretic foods.
Diuretic is stimulating urination to individuals who have consumed it.
And in this article, we are going to focus on the different foods that you can try which can help improve your overall health and mood.
Sarsaparilla Tea
For quite some time now, sarsaparilla has been used as diuretic. For those who like to purify or detoxify their body in one way or the other, diuretic can be a big help in eliminating excess salts, fats, water and toxins from the body. Not only that, sarsaparilla has been known in purifying the blood. Therefore, it is great in improving overall health of a person.
The juice extracted from soursop fruit is extremely effective diuretic. This is capable of removing excess salts and toxins from the body and not to mention, cleanse the gastrointestinal tract. Its anti-inflammatory components can reduce toxins in the stomach while alleviating any kind of irritation or pain in the colon or stomach.
Because it helps in secretion, cucumber is deemed to be a natural diuretic. Furthermore, cucumber juice has been known to prevent kidney stones. Cucumbers are known to counter acid effects in the body, which helps in preventing inflammation.
Blue Vervain Tea
Among the most reliable and at the same time, oldest uses of blue vervain are as diuretic. This is stimulating the release of urine in our body. Moreover, it eliminates toxins in our system. Aside from that, this can protect the liver and kidneys by means of reducing the presence of any toxins and dangerous substance that have accumulated there.
Nettle Tea
Believe it or not, this has been long used as diuretic substance. Therefore, it can eliminate toxins fast and provide proper protection from bladder infections as well as excess fluid retention or also known as edema.
The countless beneficial nutrients nettle tea has make it a perfect detoxifier for our system and it’s been known to clean the body away of toxins in the gentlest way possible. Being a diuretic substance, nettle can guarantee that those toxins are neutralized and eliminated fast.