Just because your holiday starts with an extended car journey it’s no reason to depart good eating habits by the wayside.
If you wish to make your destination fresh and prepared to enjoy your holiday to the complete, here are some simple rules to follow:
1. Eat a diet
Perhaps it hasn’t occurred to you, but what you eat affects how you drive. Bad eating habits can cause fatigue and doziness; still as slowing reflexes and making you more susceptible to clumsiness, they will affect your ability to focus and increase the chance of accidents where you might need roadside assistance such as towing San Jose.
2. Eat regular, digestible meals
Spicy dishes and people with plenty of fat are best avoided as they require more effort from your body to digest. Against this, salads and fruit, grilled meat, or fish are all good choices. But eating light doesn’t suggest discarding eating completely: sometimes it’s tempting to stay going that bit longer no end within the hope you’ll arrive sooner, but if your body’s won’t to three meals and low breaks on a daily basis, attempt to continue that even when you’re traveling. Remember to hide 100% of your energy needs and choose varied food that contains all the nutrients you would like. When you’re driving, you would like to pay full attention to the road, so don’t distract your body by making it deal with unusual foods or irregular meals.
3. Start up rested and breakfasted
It’s a good idea to own breakfast before you begin the journey. A correct breakfast – not a greasy “full English” fry up – will include four different food groups: dairy, fruit and vegetables, grains, and supplements (oils and fats, sugars, meats, etc.). Stopping for an early lunch or brunch may be a good idea as it is a way of taking a possibility and contributes to a varied and diet. Eat light, but don’t depend upon snacking while traveling as snacks are unlikely to create up an entire diet. A stop for tea mid-afternoon is another chance to require an occasion. After eating a full meal, you ought to wait between 15 and 20 minutes before commencing again. Immediately after eating, your power of concentration is reduced, increasing the possibilities of careless mistakes occurring.
4. Plan ahead
Plan your journey and make a note earlier of possible places to eat in keeping with the time between stops. Remember to urge fresh drinks for the car once you stop just in case you grind to a halt in traffic. Drinks containing alkaloids (caffeine, theophylline, and theobromine) like coffee, tea, cocoa, cola drinks, or energy drinks, can help combat tiredness. Also as eating and drinking, once you stop, it is a good idea to require a bit of exercise, either a brief walk or some stretches.
5. Two hours drive, ten minutes rest
Take the chance to stretch your legs, eat something light (fruit, dairy produce, nuts, a sandwich, chocolate…), and re-hydrate (with water, soft drinks, coffee, tea, energy drinks, soup, juice…). If you’re feeling hungry, don’t wait until you reach your final destination, find somewhere to prevent. The feeling of hunger increases anxiety and may end in an unconscious increase in speed. And remember that it’s better to prevent for a meal at the correct time instead of pressing on regardless which increases the possibilities of an accident, while, at best, saving some minutes.
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6. Dehydration danger
Drinking is as important as eating. Dehydration causes fatigue and affects your ability to concentrate, increasing the chance of creating mistakes at the wheel. You will not actually feel thirsty until dehydration has started, so it’s advisable to drink whether or not you do not think you wish to. Remember that it is not only water that includes a rehydrating effect: soft drinks, tea and low, soups, juices, and fresh fruit and vegetables all help to top up the body’s fluid level. Wait till you get to your destination before you begin on the alcoholic drinks, though.
7. Avoid distractions
You need all of your concentration for driving so as to react to unforeseen events, so take a chance to eat and drink, don’t attempt to snack at the wheel. Many countries now have laws covering “avoidable distractions” while driving, which include eating and drinking. Keep the car at a snug temperature for the motive force, but remember that heating and air-con dries the air, causing dehydration and fatigue, so be prepared to form more frequent stops.
8. Driving could be a physical activity
You may spend the full time sitting down, but driving remains a physical activity. And, like other physical and mental work, it’s tiring. When conditions are worse – weather, driving into the sun, or after dark – it requires more concentration and energy, so it’s likely to be even more tiring. This makes it especially important to eat and drink wisely. Riding a bike takes more energy than driving a car, but in both cases, energy expenditure is bigger than when walking or traveling as a passenger within the vehicle.
9. Special look after children and therefore the elderly
It’s not only the motive force whose needs must be met. If you’re traveling with children, remember that they have more fluids and more dairy products than adults. The elderly should choose foods with higher nutritional content and take particular care to drink sufficient liquid. Pregnant women and nursing mothers even have higher water requirements. Whoever you’re traveling with, remember that they’ll stop more often than you do: simply because you are feeling fine, don’t assume everyone else is.
10. Don’t abandon good habits simply because you’re driving
Don’t be in such a rush to achieve your destination that you simply arrive irritable and headachey from skipping food and getting dehydrated. It’s perfectly possible to eat well when you’re traveling. Cash in on seasonal fruits and vegetables and check out our local food and restaurants along your journey. Your health and safety are at stake.