We are what we think. Don’t worry, this is not meant to be a philosophical pamphlet, but behind these five words hides a very logical message. If we constantly have negative thoughts, then we ourselves become grumpy people. If, on the other hand, we go through life with an optimistic attitude, we are more likely to become radiant personality who is also well-received by others.
But how can I turn my mindset from negative to positive? it is with the right diet. At least that’s what Dr. Verena Buchinger-Kähler, senior physician at the Buchinger Heilfastenklinik in Bad Pyrmont, says. How? That’s what we explain here!
Nutrition: These are the right foods for a positive mindset
Our mindset has primarily to do with our inner attitude. With the right attitude to life, we reduce our stress and promote resilience and our own energy. With a balanced diet, we can support our dynamic thought processes. Good handling of oneself is sometimes automatically followed by attention to more food quality and away from the quantity of food.
The best tip here: Leave the food as we find it in nature, e.g. eat the entire grain and not only in flour form. And pay attention to the following foods:
1. The right carbohydrates and sweets ensure a good mood
Carbohydrates give fast energy, and fiber ensures a constant blood sugar level so that sufficient energy can be retrieved from the brain.
The craving for sweets for rapid energy production is based on elementary biological foundations. Our ancestors also absorbed vital vitamins and minerals with the sweet consumption of fruit. And that’s exactly what we should maintain when the sugar jieper comes. Away from industrially produced sweets, but instead reach for apples, berries, or other fruit.
This controls the so-called serotonin-like system, which is responsible for numerous behaviorally relevant functions. It is thus also involved in our mood. Serotonin, popularly referred to as the happiness hormone, can provide happy vibes. An increased release can have a mood-lifting, appetite-suppressing, and sleep-promoting effect.
2. The right fats bring happy vibes
In addition to carbohydrates, our body needs fat. However, it must also be the right thing to do the brain a favor. Polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as omega-3 fatty acids, e.g. from cold-water fish, which also occur in rapeseed oil, walnuts, and avocado, have a positive effect on memory and nerve cells.
The amino acids act as neurotransmitters and thus enable the transfer of information between the individual cells in the brain. In addition to animal protein, we can also take essential amino acids well from vegetable combinations of, for example, legumes and cereals.
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3. Is it really always the milk?
Calcium is involved in the transmission of information in the synapses. But it does not have to be the glass of milk in the morning that provides us with sufficient calcium. The element is also found in nuts, seeds (especially sesame), fennel, broccoli, and leaf parsley and is therefore also very easy for vegetarians and vegans to absorb.
4. The most important minerals and trace elements for a positive mindset
- Iron promotes blood formation and ensures the oxygen supply to our thinking apparatus. Good is iron from animal foods (beef), but also from amaranth, quinoa, millet, or pumpkin seeds.
- Magnesium from whole grains, broccoli, and legumes.
- Vitamin of the B group from whole grains or nuts.
- Folic acid (vitamin B9) from whole grains, nuts, or green vegetables.
- Secondary plant substances such as flavonoids and carotenoids, are present in many vegetables and fruits, e.g. carrots, grapes, aubergines, and tomatoes but also in green or black tea.